With growing competition among private schools in Indonesia, what measures can schools and educators take to maintain an edge?


Indonesia’s vision of creating a golden generation by 2045 hinges significantly on the role of educational institutions. The first pillar of this dream is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, which emphasizes human development and mastery of science and technology. To achieve this goal, schools must undergo significant transformations in terms of human resources, school facilities, and learning materials. It is imperative for schools to keep up with educational developments and meet the demands of 21st-century education to make this vision a reality.

Let us examine the Scope of National Education Standards, as outlined in PP No. 19 of 2005, which includes the following requirements: a. content standard; b. process standards; c. graduate competence standard; d. standards for educators and educational staff, e., facilities, and infrastructure; f. management standards; g. financing standards; and h. educational assessment standards. These standards must be met by schools in order to be considered a legitimate national school in their area. However, more than meeting these requirements is needed. Schools must also strive to become the top choice for parents to send their children. Private schools, in particular, must transform themselves to compete and offer exceptional educational services.

The competition among private schools in Indonesia is becoming increasingly challenging as the number of schools continues to grow. According to a report by the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), there were 399,376 school units in Indonesia during the 2022/2023 school year. A journal published by Kemendikbu.go.id highlights the competition between public and private schools, as well as between public schools and private schools. This presents a real challenge for schools to revamp their strategies to gain a competitive edge and meet the demands of the external environment while also leveraging their internal strengths. Failure to compete in terms of quality may result in poor performance and hindered achievement in educational units.

Schools with a competitive advantage are seen from the excellent quality of services, programs, facilities, and superior teaching staff (amazing). This competitive advantage can be created through efficiency, service product quality, creativity, and innovation. For this reason, schools must have the right strategy to deliver the organization to the success of achieving its goals, namely to become the school of choice for parents and have a competitive advantage over competitors. To create an excellent school, assistance is needed from the School Management Service which, overall, can help a school become a private school that is competitive and superior in terms of program quality which will be measured by its students.

To answer the challenges of school transformation, Mentari Group presents a programcalled School Management Service, an integrated solution for transforming schools. In terms of change, schools need teaching materials (Materials) with methodologiesand pedagogiesthat have been tested, competent educators, (Manpower development) as well as measuring tools (Measurement) which are a barometer of the achievement of learning objectives (student competence), so that continuous evaluation can be carried out. In this case, schools need a 3M-BIGg solution and support system (Materials, Manpower development, and Measurement) to improve the quality of education with international standards, which are expected to be carried out within three years.

Mentari Group, an esteemed educational institution, has supported the 2045 Golden Generation movement. With their cutting-edge 3M-BIG solution and support system, they have successfully transformed over 6,000 academic institutions in Indonesia. The School Management Service offered by Mentari Group is an exceptional program that focuses on enhancing the overall quality of schools in Indonesia. Private schools, including elementary, junior high, and high schools, can significantly benefit from their superior programs, human resources, facilities, and marketing strategies. The School Management Service focuses on three key areas: Academic, Curriculum, and Marketing provided through school management assistance & development programs with the following stages:

  1. Improving operational management and alignment with the school’s vision and mission.
  2. Partnership and school assistance program with Mentari Teachers Academy (MTA) so that schools can be independent.
  3. With Mentari Group’s overall school quality improvement program, schools in Indonesia can undoubtedly benefit from their unparalleled expertise and support.

The transformation of schools requires strict adherence to the following eight sections:

1. Empowerment of school institutions or organizations

2. Equipping teachers and leaders with leadership and entrepreneurial skills

3. Implementation of a rigorous program to fortify the character of teachers

4. Assistance in devising an effective marketing strategy

5. Provision of infrastructure and financing support

6. Overhaul of curriculum and learning methods

7. Empowerment of students through a thorough learning program

8. Granting parents more power

Partnering with Mentari Group is crucial for the school transformation program to achieve sustainable growth and profitability within three years. We aim to develop a private school that is continuously expanding, thriving, and generating positive outcomes.

To gain a deeper understanding of Mentari Group’s School Management Service program, it is imperative that you contact us using the information provided below. We are here to assist you and provide the information required to make an informed decision. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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