My Pals are Here! is a very popular book and has been used by several schools in Aceh. When it comes to studying maths and science, this series of published book provides students with excellent hands-on experiences. Layouts of the My Pals are Here! books are very interesting to look at, easy to understand, and indirectly able to improve children’s English skills (speaking, reading, listening, and writing). In our school where the majority of students are learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL), it is hoped that they will be able to master learning materials for math and science.

On the other hand, our students are also guided to master English, which is the language of instruction for My Pals are Here! This book offers fun learning concepts with colourful illustrations and photographs as well as hands-on activities and games that are directly related to the learning materials. There are several parts of the book that are deliberately designed to stimulate children’s critical thinking, such as in the Maths book, “Put on Your Thinking Cap” and “Maths Sharing”. So, before using this book, I suggest gaining a better understanding of the book sections by reading the preface first.
Ms. Ranti Maulya, S. Pd., M. Pd
Teacher at Imtiyaaz Elementary School