Freedom to Choose


Every year,  we celebrate the birthday of children. Did you know there is also a special day to celebrate  all the children around the world? This special day is called Children’s Day and was declared by the United Nations in 1954.

Children’s Day is not celebrated on the same day by every country in the world. In Indonesia, millions of children celebrate Children’s Day every July 23rd.

What is the best gift that we can give to the children when celebrating the moment? The United Nations has declared it the right of every child to be protected by their parents, to be given food, shelter, and education.

Children who love to eat? Yes, there are many. Children who love to play? Yes, there are many. How about children who love to study? All toddlers are happy exploring and asking  many things. It’s because every child is an active and independent learner.

What is a learner?

Parents should remember that learning is not only about getting high scores or becoming a clever one. A study should be directed to learn life skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communicating, and collaborating.

What are learner characteristics?

A learning process that demands the child be more active, can raise characteristics as a learner. The characteristics are: have a high curiosity, internal motivation, can self-reflect, are reliable, capable of critical thinking, able to understand with little or no instruction, and are persistent.

As parents, what can you do to raise the learner child?

-“Walk the talk”if you want to have the learner child, firstly you must become a learner. Children are a great copycat. They will see their parents appreciate learning as an enjoying process.

Raise positive self esteem. Children who have a positive self image tend to become independent learners. They feel cozy with their selves and believe that they are loved.

Build a safe environment for children to explore

Give many chances to play freely. When entering elementary school, children are expected to be able to focus, consider the presence of others, and delay enjoyment. How? That is by playing with friends, following the rules of the game, empathizing with friends, delaying gratification, communicating, and collaborating.

Appreciate child questions.

– Involve children in daily activities

Recognize the child’s learning style

Let children make mistakes. Mistakes are part of the learning process.

Children are important members of a family and to society. We should give them freedom to choose their goals and the way they will pursue their future, but help them to make sure that they have taken the right choice and way.

Source: and English Explorer magazine, vol. 7 issue 6

Writer: Aulia Nurdini
Editor: Michael R. Clarke

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