Free from Threats and Fear


Children as the next generation cannot grow by themselves. Seto Mulyadi, a leading child psychologist says. In order to grow optimally, the children must be in an environment that is also optimal. However, parents often miss in this case. Violence often happens to their baby, whether it is done intentionally or not.

Various challenges faced by children today; one is bullying. Bullying can occur at childhood, but it is rarely realized by people. Therefore, recognize bullying at an early age to save the future of the little child.

According to research conducted by King’s College London, UK, individuals who as a child often become a victim of bullies have a risk of depression, anxiety disorders, and a poor quality of life. He also has a mental health and cognitive function that is worse than a person who didn’t become a victim. Many bullying victims did not admit about their condition because they felt shame and fear of parents’ reaction.  

Here are some kinds of bullying that you should know;

Verbal. Cursing, mocking, insulting nick name, gossip and racism.

Psychological. Discrimination, intimidation, humiliation, and being ignored by others.

Cyber bullying. Mocking or sending rude messages via email and social media;uploading texts, images, and videos insult ing others. It is an act of ‘oppression’ through cyberspace. Before children experience the negative impact, it helps to prepare the children with a discussion of cyber bullying, its forms and its effects, and how to deal with it. Just add friends that we know; Conceal password; and consider the personal information that we want to be published online.

We do not want the child to become a victim,so, let’s help him cope!

Raise a child in an environment that is full of love by showing the ways of speaking and behavior when you interact with your partner, parents, family assistants, and neighbors. The child will imitate you and apply it in social life.

Maintain closeness with the child emotionally by listening to his complaints and respect ing his opinion. This will encourage children to not hesitate to say anything to you so that if he becomes a bullying victim or instead he did the bullying, you can immediately know and give a response quickly. Openness will make him feel more secure and not feel alone. Discussing his problem with others will make him find the best solution faster.

Raise child’s confidence by giving him the opportunity to make decisions; for example, the opportunity to choose their own food or clothing, and introduce him to the varied environments. Bullies are always looking for the victim who looks timid, shy, and does not have any friends.

Indonesia protects  children by showing it in Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak No. 23/2002. It states that the government supervises all activities to ensure and protect children and their rights to keep them  alive, growing, developing and able to participate optimally in accordance with human dignity, as well as they get protection from violence and discrimination.

Source:;; and

Writer: Aulia Nurdini
Editor: Michael R. Clarke

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